
PPSh-41 submachine gun

SKU: 22-1301
Price: $188.99

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PPSh-41 Replica submachine gun


This Russian select fire sub-machine gun saw heavy use during WWII and continued use through Vietnam by other communist backed countries. Our replica is all metal and wood. It features a removable magazine, working bolt and trigger

The PPSh-41 (pistolet-pulemyot Shpagina; Russian: Пистолет-пулемёт Шпагина; "Shpagin machine pistol"); is a Soviet submachine gun designed by Georgi Shpagin as a cheap, simplified alternative to the PPD-40. Common nicknames are "pe-pe-sha" from its three-letter prefix and "papasha" (Russian: папаша), meaning "daddy

Length: 33.5"
Weight: 10 lbs

Dominic Ingemi on 10/05/2019 09:17am
Tough & compact - works very well.

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